
Title: LCA & EPD Principles and Applications [In-person]

 Director(s): Dr. Dezvareh - Faculty of Mehralborz University
 Time: 2024/05/14 -2024/05/14 - Hour 16:00  Place: Tarbiat modares university
 Registration deadline: 2024/05/12  Cost: 100 Dollars
 Capacity: 200 Persons  Remained Capacity: 199 Persons

 Objectives and notes:
Learning the principles and concepts related to life cycle assessment and its establishment in industries and mines
- survey of related domestic and international standards and their analysis
-Learning the benefits of LCA and taking action to do environmental self-declaration
-Familiarity with practical concepts and how to apply for and obtain green product certification, green industry and green mining

- Examining and teaching the basic concepts of life cycle assessment
- Introducing the history, evolution and standards related to life cycle assessment and environmental labels
- Introducing various types of software applications in life cycle assessment
- Teaching the steps and concepts related to environmental self-declaration of products and obtaining exclusive EPD certification
- Examining the various benefits of obtaining the EPD certificate, green product, green industry and mining
- ISO 14000 requirements for establishing LCA and LCP in industries and mines

Group Cost
Student 50$
Other 100$


This is the registration form for the virtual workshop

To register for the Virtual workshop, use the link below